Ann Binder Anovitz

Ann Binder AnovitzAnn Anovitz Binder (1935-2019) was a skillful writer, caring community volunteer and successful commercial real estate executive. In addition to the novel Charlie's Tale, she authored Grandma Annie's Stories From the Garden, an innovative series of cildren's books offering a unique educational reading experience for both English- and Spanish-speaking children.Ms. Anovitz had always thought her father's life story would make a fascinating book that would serve as a tribute to him, a gift to her family and an inspirational tale relevant to all immigrants. In 1982, Ms. Anovitz initiated a series of recording sessions with her then-76-year-old father.Beryl Bernie Binder passed away the following year, but not before his stories had filled a couple handfuls of cassette tapes. Preserving her father's own words where possible and conducting extensive research to fill in the gaps between his stories, Ms. Anovitz began forming a manuscript that would eventually become The Golden Land.Ms. Anovitz and her late husband Robert were residents of Highland Park, IL and Tucson, AZ, and had three children. Their daughter Stacey is married to Keith Kramer, co-author of The Golden Land. Read More Read Less

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Publisher: Richer Press
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18 Jul 2022
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