Ann Bellah CopelandAnn Bellah Copeland was born in Manhattan and spent her childhood summers in Bermuda. She graduated from The Chapin School and attended Bradford Jr. College. She was also educated at the University of Grenoble, The University of Poitiers (in Tours), nd the University of Florence.When she returned to America her first job sent her to Paris as the assistant to the fashion editor at the Ladies Home Journal to cover the Collections. She published her first article at age twenty one. At twenty-two she was the head of the fashion department of Televideo Productions. She then worked in the European textiles department of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. She was also the owner of Jadis Inc. a decorating firm in Manhattan.Her Boards have been varied. She was president of the board of The Girl's Vacation Fund, vice president of the National Institute of Social Science in New York and in Palm Beach, the head of the New York chapter of The Winston Churchill Memorial, and is a trustee emeritus of Old Westbury Gardens.Throughout her life, Ann has had a passion for travel. It started when she was very young and to date she has been to over one hundred and forty-two countries. She is the proud mother of two children and one granddaughter. Read More Read Less
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