Anish Chapagain

Anish ChapagainAnish Chapagain is a software engineer with a passion for data science, and artificial intelligence, its processes and Python programming, which began around 2007. He has been working with web scraping, data analysis, visualization and reporting-relaed tasks, projects for more than 10 years, and is also working as freelancer. Anish previously worked as a trainer, web/software developer, team leader, and as a banker, where he was exposed to data and gained further insights into topics like data mining, data analysis, reporting, information processing and knowledge discovery. He has an MSc in computer systems from Bangor University (United Kingdom), and an Executive MBA from Himalayan Whitehouse International College, Kathmandu, Nepal. Read More Read Less

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Hands-On Web Scraping with Python - Second Edition3 % NR
Publisher: Packt Publishing
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06 Oct 2023
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