Angelo Antonini

Angelo AntoniniAngelo Antonini graduated in Medicine in 1986 and completed Neurology training in 1990 at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" in Rome where he developed skills in neuropharmacology and movement disorders. After obtaining a scholarship in 1990, in 191 he started a PhD in Neuroradiology with PET and MRI at the University of Zurich and the Institute of Physics Paul Scherrer in Villigen, Switzerland, which he completed in 1994. PET studies focused on the dopaminergic system, metabolic disorders and cerebral blood flow in healthy subjects, in Parkinson patients and with other movement disorders as well as psychiatric disorders.

MRI studies focused on the study of signal T2 and its relationship with free iron as degeneration biomarkers. After one year as Post- Doc in Zurich, in October 1995 he continued his research at the Neuroimaging Laboratory of NY Shore University Hospital and was promoted to Assistant Professor at New University York. During this period, the research focused on the study of brain networks and their modulation with pharmacological and surgical interventions. In November 1997, he returned to Italy in Milan at the Parkinson Institute where he contributed to the development of a research centre for Parkinson's disease and implemented clinical trials and functional surgery at the Department of Neuroscience in collaboration with the University of Milan -Bicocca. In 2010 he moved to Venice in the National Research Institute San Camillo where he is responsible of the Unit for Parkinson and Movement Disorders and became Associate Professor of Neurology at the University of Padua.

During his career, he received several academic awards and funding (including an ongoing Horizon2020 project), published over 340 peer reviewed manuscripts, has a H-Index (Scopus) of 62 and over 13000 citations. He has been an invited speaker at national and international neurology congresses in over 40 countries around the world. He has organized international courses and conferences. He is an honorary member of the Society of Neurology of France and of Romania. It serves as a reviewer for the main neurological journals. He is a Fellow of the European Academy of Neurology, President Elect of the European Section of the Movement Disorders Society and Auditor of the Italian Parkinson's and Movement Disorders Academy. Read More Read Less

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Covid-19 and Parkinsonism7 % NR
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01 Sep 2022
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Handbook of Non-Motor Symptoms in Parkinson's Disease21 %
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27 Dec 2012
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