Angelika Alwast

Angelika AlwastAngelika Alwast completed her German and Philosophy studies in Berlin and Hamburg with the first and the second state examination. She has worked as a secondary school teacher, but has also expanded her skills by attending a seminar for anthoposophicteaching in Kiel, completing training to be a part-time church musician and attending extra occupational training as a musical therapist at the European Academy of Healing Arts in Klein Jasedow (the institution was then working in cooperation with the Univerity for Music and Theatre in Hamburg). Alwast is currently working as a lecturer at the School for Anthroposophic Curative Education Therapy in Kiel, focussing on music and musical education within the curative education context, but also as a choir conductor.She lives in Bissee near Kiel. Read More Read Less

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Publisher: Dr Ludwig Reichert
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20 May 2016
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