Angelica Aurora Montanari

Angelica Aurora MontanariAndrea Maraschi holds a PhD in History (University of Bologna, 2013). He was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Iceland from 2014 to 2017, and he taught Medieval History and Economic and Social History of the Middle Ages at the University of ari from 2018 to 2021. He is currently a research fellow at the Interuniversity Research Centre "Seminario di Storia della Scienza" (University of Bari), and teaches Anthropology of Food at the University of Bologna. He is a member, among others, of the Interdepartmental Research Centre "Cibo in salute" Nutraceutica, Nutrigenomica, Microbiota Intestinale, Agricoltura e Benessere Sociale". His research interests touch on food history, the history of magic and medicine, medievalism and gender studies. His latest monograph is entitled Similia similibus curantur. Cannibalismo, grafofagia e "magia" simpatetica nel medioevo (500-1500) (2020). Angelica Aurora Montanari, PhD in Medieval History (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris), was a research fellow at the Universitade Federal Fluminense of Niteroi (Brazil); University of Cambridge (visiting scholar); University of Ostrava, University of Bologna, where she is currently a lecturer in History of the Medieval Mediterranean. Her interests focus on the history of the body, on the history of dance, on rituals of violence and on illuminated manuscripts. Angelica is co-director of the book series Animal Studies. Genetics, Anthropology and History (Trivent) and she is the author of Il fiero pasto. Antropofagie medievali (Bologna, Il Mulino, 2015); Cannibales. Histoire de l'anthropophagie au Moyen Age (Paris, Les Editions Arkhe, 2018). Read More Read Less

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Publisher: Trivent Publishing
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