Angela Golden Bryan

Angela Golden BryanAngela is an acclaimed storyteller whose 20 plus years of experience as an actress has enhanced her gift of communication. She grew up on the beautiful island of St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, in a culture rich in oral tradition and experienced the ong-held traditions of recitation of folktales in homes and at family gatherings, as well as more formal poetic recitations in schools and churches. As a child, she listened in fascination to stories about Anansi, the mischievous spider; became scared to death by the goatfoot woman; and was amazed at the bravery of her great-great-grandmother, Moriah, who took part in the history-making event, Fireburn. Eventually, Angela became the one to tell the stories to her family, and later to her own children. Naturally, she always dreamed of sharing the St. Croix Fireburn story with all of her extended family, community, country, and beyond. She achieved just that in her riveting historical fiction Fireburn The Screenplay as well as in her children's book James and the Fireburn. Angela has also written for the internationally published devotionals, Light from and the Word and Vista. Read More Read Less

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Anna and the Goat Foot Woman45 % NR
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13 May 2024
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Authorities - Angela Golden Bryan25 % NR
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04 Sep 2020
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