Angel L Pey

Angel L PeyAngel L. Pey obtained his Bachelor degree in Chemistry in 1999 at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid and his Ph.D. in Molecular Biology at the Universidad Autónoma in Madrid in 2004. His Ph.D. focused on genotype-phenotype correlations in Phenylkeonuria and the molecular basis of tetrahydrobiopterin-responsive patients with this disease. In 2004, he moved as a post-doc to the lab directed by Prof. Aurora Martinez at the Department of Biomedicine of the University of Bergen (Norway) to work with novel structure-based and biophysical studies on phenylketonuria and therapeutic approaches for this disease based on pharmacological chaperones. In 2009, he moved to the Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Granada, to work as a Ramón y Cajal Fellow. He established his own line of research combining approaches from different disciplines (molecular and cellular biology, structural and computational biology, biochemistry and biophysics) to get an integrative view into the molecular basis and genotype-phenotype correlations in several rare and common hereditary diseases. In 2019, he was appointed as Associated Professor in Physical Chemistry. Over the years, he has taught in different programs on Enzymology, Advanced biophysical techniques, General and Physical Chemistry, and mentored several Ph.D., Master and undergraduate students. He is author of over 70 peer-reviewed scientific papers and book chapters. Read More Read Less

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Protein Homeostasis Diseases14 % NR
Publisher: Academic Press
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19 Feb 2020
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