Andy Audate

Andy AudateMEET ANDY AUDATE Andy Audate is a published author, millennial motivational speaker, and serial entrepreneur. He is widely recognized as an eminent speaker with a delivery that is high energy and human potential stimulating. Raised in a city of impovrishment and a college dropout with little formal education; Andy took a path of entrepreneurship, forcing a course of endless self-education that has amounted to his successes. This path has not only allowed him to change his circumstances but allowed him to effectively communicate the desire to be great to others. He lives in Los Angeles, CA. Born in Boston from two Haitian immigrants, at seven years old I moved to Rhode Island. My youth education took place in the local Catholic elementary and middle schools in my town. During my early teenage years, I wanted things. Those things consisted of clothes, disposable money for fun, electronics and other unnecessary objects. My parents gave me the necessity (food, water, shelter) but I wanted more, so I applied and got a job. Work life started at the local fast-food restaurant, Wendy's. This time, I am a full-time student-athlete playing on the basketball team and working full time. The money I was making in 40 hours was enough to match my needs but not enough to match my wants. There had to be a way to make more money, the minimum wage wasn't cutting it. This turned out to make me a hungry entrepreneur. It started with a small online business, where I bought and sold products from the web and resold it on eBay. After eBay and a couple different job opportunities, I found myself working full time at a small cell phone store. At this cell phone store is where I got my start at understanding the ins-and-outs of a small business. The sales training was vigorous and we had to sell, sell, sell! I ranked up from sales representative to assistant manager to General Store Manager very quickly. I passed employees that were much older than me; more experienced than me and spent more time in that company than I did. I realized I had to own a business and not work for anyone else. I started a cell phone dealership with mid to high-end devices catering to the middle class. Also a Motivational Speaker, Andy lives in Los Angeles, CA and is the author of No More Average. Read More Read Less

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