Andrew T Austin

Andrew T AustinAndrew T. Austin is the developer of Metaphors of Movement, a therapeutic model with its roots in NLP that explores the unconscious metaphoric structure of experience. He is also the director of the Association for IEMT Practitioners serving the inteests of IEMT practitioners worldwide. Having first trained in hypnotherapy in 1994, Austin went on to study NLP and brief therapy and today teaches his methods across the world, including the USA, India, Poland, Romania, Japan and The Netherlands. Before devoting his work full time to the therapeutic arts, Andrew T. Austin served as registered nurse working in Accident and Emergency, clinical neurology and neurosurgery. It was during this experience in Accident and Emergency that he developed a strong reputation for working with many psychiatric and mental health emergencies that were frequently presented to the department. His clients and trainees include psychiatrists, counselors and mental health professionals, police and prison officers, mental health service users, coaches and trainers. He is married and lives in the south of England by the sea. Contact: Read More Read Less

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