Andrew Anastasi

Andrew AnastasiAndrew Anastasi is a member of the Viewpoint Magazine editorial collective and a doctoral candidate in Sociology and Critical Theory at the Graduate Center, City University of New York. He is the translator of numerous works from Italian as well as te editor of The Young Mario Tronti (Viewpoint, 2016), a dossier on the early philosophical and political development of one of the founders of Italian operaismo (workerism). His doctoral research investigates relations between New Left movement organizations and the U.S. capitalist state during the 1960s and 1970s, focusing on the War on Poverty and its afterlives. Anastasi has worked in public high schools and colleges for the past decade and currently teaches courses in political sociology, social movements, and social theory at Queens College, City University of New York Read More Read Less

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The Weapon of Organization42 %
Publisher: Common Notions
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15 Sep 2020
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