Andrei AlexandrescuRo-man-ian-born Com-puter Sci-en-tist An-drei Alexan-drescu is an ex-pert in a broad range of top-ics in-clud-ing soft-ware sys-tems de-sign and im-ple-men-ta-tion, pro-gram-ming lan-guage de-sign, li-brary de-sign, all as-pects of the C++ and D pro-ram-ming lan-guages, Ma-chine Learn-ing, and Nat-ural Lan-guage Pro-cess-ing. His cre-ative ap-proach to prob-lem solv-ing, broad knowl-edge, and charis-matic pres-ence make An-drei a sought-af-ter in-vited speaker at con-fer-ences world-wide. Read More Read Less
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