Andreas Creutzmann

Andreas CreutzmannAndreas Creutzmann is a valuation expert, entrepreneur, and speaker. He is a German certified public accountant, tax consultant, and certified valuation analyst. Business valuations have been Creutzmann's specialty. He has over thirty years of cross-ndustry experience in the valuation of international corporations as well as small and medium-sized companies in all relevant industries (e.g., banking, insurance). As an expert witness, Andreas supports the presiding judges of the major regional and higher regional courts in a multitude of court procedures under the German Stock Corporation Act by ascertaining appropriate cash compensations. He graduated with a degree in business administration from the prestigious University of Mannheim. Since 2000, Andreas Creutzmann (CEO) has been the founder and majority shareholder of the IVA VALUATION & ADVISORY AG, Frankfurt, as well as the executive director of Creutzmann & Co. GmbH Accounting and Tax Advisory Firm, Landau. He has been active in the business world for nearly thirty years and successfully built several accounting firms and established a continuing education company for professionals. As the founder and chairman of EACVA, Andreas Creutzmann has initiated and established the Certified Valuation Analyst accreditation (CVA) in Europe. Since then, more than 1,200 valuation professionals have been trained and certified as CVAs in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and across Europe. With the creation of the title "Certified Valuation Analyst," he has established a new profession for valuation professionals in Europe. The National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts calls Andreas an "Industry Titan" of the valuation profession. Andreas has been an active speaker and author for twenty years. He is a speaker and lecturer in the field of finance, investment, and business valuations as well as in the area of marketing and management of professionals. He is an instructor in EACVA's CVA-training program and has been a lecturer for many years in the master's degree programs at select universities. In addition to lecturing and teaching in the field of business valuation, he is involved extensively in the marketing and management of professionals. Successful professionals do certain things differently than less successful ones. In his articles on marketing and management, Andreas shares his practical experience as an entrepreneur on the subject of success with professional colleagues. Read More Read Less

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