Anas Al Khabour

Anas Al KhabourAnas Al Khabour was director of the National Museum of Raqqa (2003-2008) and Director of the Antiquities Department of Raqqa (2006-2008). He has led and participated in numerous surveys and excavations in the Euphrates Valley through national, joint nd international expeditions including Syrian-Japanese, Syrian-American, Syrian-Italian and Syrian-Spanish teams. He has worked as a researcher and lecturer at Gothenburg University in Sweden, the University Libre de Bruxelles, and was Curator of the Ancient Middle East Collection at the National Museums for World Culture in Stockholm. Currently, he is a researcher at Lund University in Sweden. His research focuses on Ancient Mesopotamian archaeology as well as endangered cultural heritage. Read More Read Less

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The Fertile Desert: A History of the Middle Euphrates Valley until the Arrival of Alexander17 % NR
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Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Properties in Arab States1 % NR
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