Anant Kapdi

Anant KapdiAnant R. Kapdi studied chemistry at the University of Mumbai (MSc 2002) and York (MSc 2005; Dr. Ian J. S. Fairlamb). He completed his PhD in 2008 under the supervision of Dr. Fairlamb at York University, before starting postdoctoral work in the reseach group of Prof. Lutz Ackermann at the Georg-August-University Gottingen. He is currently a UGC-FRP assistant professor. He is also a recipient of the Alexander von Humboldt return fellowship (TUM, Munich) and the DAAD fellowship for scientists, and was recently appointed a fellow of the Maharashtra Academy of Sciences. The unifying theme of his research is the development of synthetically efficient processes for targeting molecules of synthetic and biological relevance using palladacycles or palladium colloids. Read More Read Less

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Strategies for Palladium-Catalyzed Non-Directed and Directed C Bond H Bond Functionalization19 % NR
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