Analays Alvarez Hernandez

Analays Alvarez HernandezAnalays Álvarez Hernández is an art historian, independent curator, and Assistant Professor at the Université de Montréal. She holds a B.A. in Art History from the Universidad de La Habana, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Art History from the Université du uébec à Montréal. Her research focuses on public art, alternatives exhibitions venues, diasporic and Latinx-Canadian artists, and decolonial issues. She recently co-edited Latin American Art(ists) from/in Canada: Expanding Narratives, Territories, and Perspectives (LALVC, University of California Press) and 'Revised Commemoration' in Public Art: What Future for the Monument? (RACAR). As an independent curator, Álvarez Hernández has organized several exhibitions mostly in Havana, tsi Tkarón: to (Toronto) and Tiohti: áke/Mooniyang (Montreal), such as The Recipe: Making Latin American Art in Canada (Sur Gallery, 2018; OBORO, 2020), Au fil des îles, archipels (Centre d'exposition de l'Université de Montréal, 2022; Musée régional de Rimouski, 2023), and On Americanity and Other Experiences of Belonging (Onsite Gallery, 2023). Read More Read Less

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28 Nov 2023
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