Ana Soler Baena

Ana Soler BaenaDr. Ana Soler Baena is a visual artist, researcher and professor at the Fine Arts Faculty (Universidade de Vigo, Spain) since 2000. She holds a Degree in Design and Engraving, and PhD in Fine Arts from the University of Seville. Through her research nd artistic career, she has been involved with many different institutions, such as the Kyoto City University of Art (Japan), Tokyo National University of Fine Arts (Japan), National Chiayi University (Taiwan), Toronto York University (Canada), École de Arts Decoratifs in Strasbourg (France), Kupferstichkabinett Museum at Basel (Germany), Heriot-Watt University College of Art at Edinburg (UK), Scuola Internacionale di Gráfica d'Arte di Florencia (Italy) or the Istituto Nazionale per la Gráfica d'Arte di Roma (Italy), among many others. Her artworks can be currently found in major private collections, as well as in public institutions and museums. ORCiD: 0000-0001-6216-5677 Read More Read Less

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