Ana Dias Daniel

Ana Dias DanielAna Daniel is a professor at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, where she has been lecturing courses on various subjects, such as entrepreneurship, innovation and project management, as well as a guest professor at the International SEPT Program, Lepzig University, Germany. Also, she is a member of the Research Unit in Governance Competitiveness and Public Policies, and as a researcher her main interests are on entrepreneurship, innovation and regional development. A number of publications have been produced in those areas, as well as several entrepreneurship prizes have been awarded due to her work in the development of technology-based spin-offs. She is an editorial Board member of the "International Journal of Entrepreneurship," and member of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference on Entrepreneurship Education. She is/was also principal investigator of several national and European funded projects. She is currently an independent expert in the frame of SME Instrument program promoted by the European Commission, as well as member of the investment expert group assessing SMEs under Horizon 2020. Also, Ana Daniel is member of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU) Steering Committee: Entrepreneurship and Societal Impact of Research - ESIR, and a former member of the Professional Development Committee of the ASTP PROTON - Knowledge Transfer Europe. Read More Read Less

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Female Entrepreneurship as a Driving Force of Economic Growth and Social Change43 % NR
Publisher: IGI Global
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17 Mar 2023
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Female Entrepreneurship as a Driving Force of Economic Growth and Social Change43 % NR
Publisher: IGI Global
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17 Mar 2023
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