Amy Lanci

Amy LanciAmy Lanci loves finding the gold within people. As a second generation Chinese American, Amy was born and raised in the Los Angeles county area of southern California. As a young girl, she was speech-delayed and quite scared of the world. Despite nin years of speech therapy, she remained awkward and shy for the rest of her childhood. Along the way, she discovered a love for writing that took the form of fictional stories and journal writing and a love for marine biology. After earning her undergraduate degree in ecology, behavior and evolution from the University of California, San Diego, she began her career in sea turtle genetics as a contractor for the Marine Turtle Genetics Program at the Southwest Fisheries Science Center as an employee for Ocean Associates, Inc.Although everything seemed okay from the outside, the inside was a much different story. Amy struggled with her weight, her emotional eating, and her ability to establish boundaries to protect her sensitive nature. Finally, at the age of twenty-four, Amy was pushed to finally work on her personal issues when she was diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver disorder. She finally worked on her emotional eating, lost weight, healed her liver, and found her husband. When she looked at her journey and her career, she decided to try something new. At first, she got certified as a health coach from the Institute for IntegrativeNutrition (IIN) and started her first business. After two years, the health coaching practice went nowhere and she was at a loss. Her then-business coach, Tiffany Largie, challenged her to switch over her business to copywriting and communication. Within a week of changing over her website and her business cards toreflect this new direction, Amy got her first two paying clients ever."It was as if the Universe was telling me, 'Go that way!'" While juggling her responsibilities as a wife and mother, Amy worked hard to build her business during her off-hours in order to pursue her dream. Every time she spoke on stage and presented her story, she was constantly reminded of what her gifts were and how she straddled the line between intuition, creativity, and being analytical. It was the path to becoming whole.After the sudden death of her dear friend and coach, KeeKee Cornelious, Amy finally found the courage to jump fully into entrepreneurship. Eight days after receiving the sad news of KeeKee's death, Amy sent in her three-month notice and wrapped up her fourteen-year career in science. Now she is on a mission to make sure she uses her gifts to help people translate their dreams into words to make sure they are heard.Are you having trouble describing "what you do" to your audience? Book a strategy call here to learn how to start speaking your audiences' language! https: // Read More Read Less

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