Amy J Burkman

Amy J BurkmanAmy Burkman is an Associate Professor at American Public University. She has served as a provider of professional development for the Education Service Center for Region 11 and several school districts within the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. Burkman eceived a Master′s Degree in Library Sciences from Texas Woman′s University in 2002, where she was also inducted in Beta Phi Mu, the International Library & Information Studies Honor Society. She was awarded her doctorate from Texas Christian University in May 2009. Burkman is, and has been, active in many local, state, and national organizations. She currently reviews materials for several publications, including the International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation (IJELP) and the Education Leadership Review (ELR). Dr. Burkman has published several articles, including "A Practical Approach to Marketing the School Library", which has been included in the 6th Edition of School Library Management, "The Role of Social, Civic and Political Responsibility in Educational Leadership Preparation", and "Leadership Development in the United States: Systemic Development Within Social Culture."Dr. Burkman served as an elementary principal, an elementary and secondary assistant principal, a school librarian and a classroom teacher before she moved to higher education. Read More Read Less

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