Amy Hooper Hanna

Amy Hooper HannaMs. Amy Hooper Hanna serves as a coach, trainer and consultant in employee communication, people engagement and leadership effectiveness. She consulted with Fortune 500 and Fortune 1000 companies in organization effectiveness and communications for mre than a decade in a leading human capital firm in Washington D.C., then spent another decade with a leading talent management firm, assessing corporate client leadership behavior and providing developmental feedback. ​She established her own independent entity, Amy Hooper Hanna & Associates (AhHA!), which started as a strategic employee research consultancy for employee engagement, retention, communications and marketing projects, and has since shifted the focus to leadership coaching, making people-leadership easier with practical wisdom that works. As a strategist, researcher, communicator and coach, she takes an approach in life and business of asking questions and listening closely, and creating "ah ha!" moments for people that generate positive momentum. ​Noted for being unflappable in the face of life's constant blows, grace (ha!) under pressure, and seeing the humor in the most absurdly horrible, Amy encourages taking a leap of faith, trusting oneself and life, while questioning it too. She created the work flexibility she needs to responsibly be who she wants, and continues to take risks to consciously carve out the "shoulds" and commit to what feels intuitively and intellectually right and light, to live a life of meaning and positive, personal impact. Having experienced her own personal transformation through grief, she knows the power of hearing people's stories in helping hopelessness. With family roots in writing and publishing, Amy is proud to produce a first book! Read More Read Less

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