Amy A Decew

Amy A DecewAmy A. DeCew has done a few different things with her life but finds them all completely irrelevant to actually making a living. Between fighting for decades for medical care she still can't get and researching how to escape the United States, she's usy going rogue in a self-published context while waging a campaign against the elimination of the Oxford comma. You can generally find her only if you hang out in international hostels because often enough, she doesn't even know what country she's in anymore. And she's probably not going to tell you, either, if all you're offering her is minimum wage.The saucy author's backpages include stints in academic and research work, the fashion industry, and the eternal nonexistence of freelance writing. She's also appeared on stage and screen, often in disguise, and always in "the short role". If she has to launch one more career/side hustle/part-time gig, she would like your expert crowdsourced input and/or a baseball bat to the head. Then again, maybe we'd all just like better policymaking. Should you wish to find this Amy character, it's best to visit her website at where you can discover more information about her life and work. If you're daring, you can even contact her or join her newsletter. Read More Read Less

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Waking RoeNR
Publisher: Amy A. Decew
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01 Jul 2024
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Almost Over, Never Done3 % NR
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22 Jan 2023
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