Amin Moazami

Amin MoazamiDr Moazami is a pioneering researcher in smart buildings and energy flexibility and application of distributed intelligence (Swarm Intelligence, Collective Intelligence, Multi-Agent systems) for energy management. He was appointed as associate profesor and as the head of the Energy Management and Efficiency Research Group (EMERGE). He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Ocean Operations and Civil Engineering at NTNU. He has strong experience in building performance simulation, energy flexibility, climate robustness and resilience in buildings, occupant behaviour, etc. He is the coordinator of COLLECTiEF project and was actively involved in several national and international projects. In 2019, he has been awarded an innovation grant (innovasjonsstipend 2019) for the proposal "A simulation-based tool for development of Collective Intelligence (CI) at urban scale to mitigate the impacts of extreme climate conditions", focusing on developing a new solution for increasing the energy demand flexibility of urban areas Read More Read Less

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