Amelia Raymond

Amelia RaymondAmelia Raymond is a Primary Teacher and Author. Growing up in a small British village, Amelia always found her connection to Christ through the garden. Throughout her life, she faced turmoil that grew her, strengthened her, and brought her closer to he Father. Ten years ago Amelia moved across the ocean to Canberra, Australia. The Australian bush brought new insights and inspiration for her writings. She writes to showcase her restoration and to convey a story of healing by using nature as a connection to the Bible. She writes to inspire, challenge, and encourage her readers. She is an authentic writer that journeys with the reader as they discover the wonders of their heart. Amelia is a young upcoming author that has many further books in mind. She is real, authentic, and genuine. Presenting life in a light that puts Jesus at the center, no matter the circumstances. Amelia's writings are easy to follow and understand. She presents reflections within her books to stir your thinking. Allow your heart the chance to be awakened by a new perspective as you discover the beautiful heart Jesus has for you. Read More Read Less

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Garden of Grace24 % NR
Publisher: Amelia Raymond
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03 Dec 2021
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