Amelia Bressey ChapmanWhen I was in high school I was given a C in art "because I didn't follow the rules." That was annoying, and a mild step backwards, but as my old art teacher always says, "There are no mistakes in art." So how do you follow rules if you can't make mitakes? Hi, my name's Amelia and I'm twenty one years old. I have about five unfinished sketchbooks but keep buying more because the paper's not right or I just lose the other ones. I think I've read this over too many times trying to figure out what was missing, and now it just sounds like a half-done inspiration speech. So let's try this again! Hi, my names Amelia and I love to draw, but if you ask me to draw a person you'll receive a stick figure. I've lived in the Kootenays all my life and I love to camp, travel, and go to music festivals. My mom has always encouraged me to learn about the Indigenous peoples of this area and all around us. I'm glad she did, because now I'm in deep and have no plans of turning back. You will see in my book the Indigenous people's influence and learning opportunities! Read More Read Less
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