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Alvin Krinst

Alvin KrinstEccentric underground poet Alvin Krinst (1917- ?) was born in West Orange, New Jersey, but has spent much of his life in France, Italy, Iceland, Senegal and Ecuador. Krinst is responsible for a remarkably large body of avant-garde poetry, fiction, peformance art, dance, music and theater, which he has allowed to be privately distributed among a rarified circle of friends and admirers. Many of his works, which he often simply left behind him on his travels, trusting in their eventual discovery, are as a result lost in whole or in part. His known works include The Jazz Age Of Haroun Al Rashid (dance), Gigfy (poetry), a landmark translation of Dante's Inferno, the novel NO SMOKING, and the plays Much Thumping About Sumping and Dudley The Frog Of Pendmorton. Read More Read Less

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