Alok Chandra Bharti

Alok Chandra BhartiDr. Alok Chandra Bharti is Professor of Molecular Oncology at the Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, University of Delhi, Delhi, India. Until December 31, 2015, Dr. Bharti was serving as a Head, Division of Molecular Oncology, Institute of Cyology and Preventive Oncology (renamed as National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research), Indian Council of Medical Research, Noida. Dr. Bharti has made outstanding contributions in basic and applied research particularly in understanding molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis and made efforts in developing nutraceutical-based novel anti-cancer, and anti-HPV therapeutics. His research on transcriptional (dys)regulation mediated by STAT-3, NF-kappaB and AP-1 during carcinogenesis indicated their role in cell survival and maintenance of stemness responsible for cancer chemoresistance. Dr. Bharti is also actively involved in development of cost-effective HPV diagnostics for cervical cancer. He was involved in the development of uniform international standards for HPV DNA diagnostics by WHO, Geneva. Dr. Bharti is an expert member of Institutional Technical Committee of Delhi State Cancer Institute (since 2011), Institutional BioSafety Committee of University of Delhi Ambedkar Centre for Biomedical Research (since 2011), and national faculty of DST-INSPIRE program for promotion of science in India (since 2010). He was awarded of INSA Medal for Young Scientist (2009) in Basic and Applied Medical Sciences Indian National Science Academy (INSA). Dr. Bharti has published over 100 research and review articles and book chapters in international peer reviewed journals and books. Dr. Bharti has co-edited a Special Issue of Indian Journal of Medical Research on "Human Papillomavirus and Cervical Cancer" in September 2009. His research focuses on molecular oncology, anti-cancer nutraceuticals and their mechanism of action, tumor immunology, molecular diagnosis, molecular pharmacology, cancer stem cell biology, host virus interactions, transcriptional regulation Read More Read Less

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Role of Nutraceuticals in Cancer Chemosensitization9 % NR
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Role of Nutraceuticals in Cancer Chemosensitization14 % NR
Publisher: Academic Press
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06 Oct 2017
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