Almon W Gunter Jr

Almon W Gunter JrMotivation, Noun. def. To provide with motive. Motive, Noun. Def. Something that causes a person to act. A stimulus to action. Motive implies an emotion or desire operating on the will and causing it to act. While Merriam-Webster gives us these defintions in words, Almon Gunter gives us these definitions in action. It is Almon's belief and desire for all individuals to possess the desire, dedication, and determination to succeed in achieving their goals. His formula for success involves die-hard dedication, never-ending enthusiasm, hard work, heart and hustle, with the end result of becoming a MVP in the game of life. Almon Gunter is the CEO/President of Almon Gunter Motivates, Inc. and Founder of . CORE Character Development Curriculum. He is a highly acclaimed motivational, inspirational public speaker, author, and consultant, as well as a world-class sprinter in US Track and Field. He uses his past experiences on the track and as a business executive to help inspire others in the game of life. Almon Gunter is a no fluff force of nature that focuses on mental and physical fitness. His role is to help every individual discover his or her potential. He helps each individual to find his or her tools and refine them into razor sharp instruments so he or she can compete in the greatest game of Almon believes that every individual is born with a purpose to fulfill. He encourages everyone he meets to Dream It. Dare It. Do It. Read More Read Less

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