Ally Markotich

Ally MarkotichAlly Markotich is an artist, poet, and Creative Formation Practitioner. She is the creator of Soul Kindling LLC, an online creative website where she offers courses and private sessions for people to spark their sacred imagination, open prayerful posibilities and nurture feminine intuition through color, drawing, and the magic of words. Ally is certified as a Red Thread Guide and Intentional Creativity(R) Educator from Musea under the guidance of artist, Shiloh Sophia. She is certified in Spiritual Formation from Columbia Theological Seminary and is a Holy Fire Karuna Reiki(R) Master in the tradition of Mikao Usui. She graduated with a BFA (Graphic Design) from Alfred University and lives in the Piedmont of North Carolina with her husband, two sons and yellow lab. On any given day, you may find Ally out and about searching for shiny truth, good books, and ice cream. You can find more of her art, musings and offerings at Read More Read Less

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Soul Kindling27 % NR
Publisher: Wildhouse Poetry
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22 Oct 2024
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