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Allen Unrau

Allen UnrauAllen Unrau specializes in short form fiction with more than 175 published titles to his name since 2005. He was born in 1949 in Steinbach, Manitoba, and currently lives with his family in the Fraser Valley near Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. A a child, he read books by flashlight under the covers. His gift of storytelling was passed down from his father Henry, a traveling preacher. He has extensive business experience in real estate development, assisted living ownership, and automobile leasing, as well as volunteer work as a registered hospice volunteer to palliative care patients and numerous positions with seniors' organizations. These have given him the opportunity to observe the complex interactions between human beings, from which he draws his inspiration. Beginning in 2005, his weekly short stories were published in The Abbotsford News. He has also been published by Seniors Choice magazine and Retirement with a Purpose online. Read More Read Less

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Five-Minute Slices of Life20 % NR
Publisher: Mill Lake Books
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12 May 2023
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