Alicia Ninou

Alicia NinouAlicia Ninou graduated in journalism in 1988 and worked as an editor for RTVE news programs in Sant Cugat. She is the author of the book Els sous de la maionesa, winner of the 1997 Ómnium Cultural de Granollers novel award. She currently works as an ndependent journalist, publishing her recorded interviews on the web at She specializes in scientific journalism, specifically in the field of health and life, working to bring dissident scientific research to light and giving a voice to doctors and researchers critical of the system. Read More Read Less

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Your Health in Your HandsNR
Publisher: Erik Spreeuwers
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31 Oct 2023
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Tu salud en tus manos: Como estar sano a pesar de la «ciencia medica». Patrick Quanten entrevistado por Alicia Ninou (Spanish Edition)
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