Ali Morshed

Ali MorshedAli Morshed received his M.Sc. degree from Imperial College London in 1997, and his Ph.D. from University College London in 2002-both in corrosion engineering. He then moved to Aberdeen, Scotland and worked for a number of different U.K. companies frm 2002 to 2013 as a corrosion engineer. In 2013, he joined Saudi Aramco for two years before becoming a consulting corrosion engineer in the latter half of 2015. He has so far worked on asset integrity management, corrosion engineering, and corrosion management projects both with engineering and operating companies in the U.K.'s North Sea, North Africa, the Persian Gulf Region, and South Asia. Dr. Morshed is the author of the NACE International book, An Introduction to Asset Corrosion Management in the Oil and Gas Industry (2012), whose second edition was published in 2016, and the third edition (this current book) in 2020. He has also authored two more books on this subject for both the hydrocarbon and the non-hydrocarbon industries. In addition, he has been providing corrosion management training for the hydrocarbon industry since 2005, and for the non-hydrocarbon industry since 2016. Dr. Morshed has also taught the same topic to postgraduate students in Robert Gordon University in the U.K. He is a regular contributor to NACE International's Materials Performance (MP) magazine on the subjects of corrosion management and microbial induced corrosion (MIC). Currently, he spends the majority of his time providing corrosion management services (i.e., training, auditing, and consultancy) for both the hydrocarbon and the non-hydrocarbon industries. Read More Read Less

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Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) Management in the Upstream Oil and Gas Sector4 % NR
Publisher: Nace International
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15 Dec 2022
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