Alfredo Ortiz Aragón

Alfredo Ortiz AragónAlfredo Ortiz Aragón

Alfredo is an action researcher who designs and implements change processes to address pressing social and environmental concerns in support of equitable development. In the field he seeks to help organizations and movments that support processes of social change and environmental stewardship in order to be more effective and reflective in their work. In all of his work he uses methods that appeal to diverse learning styles but that also challenge dominant ways of seeing, knowing, and acting in the world that uphold unjust social rules and structures. He encourages all of his collaborators to reflectively "put themselves into the picture" and consciously participate in the changes they seek for others. He is willing to lead but also be vulnerable and open about what he and we know, and how we all might use our leadership and vulnerability to engage in honest conversations that help us support people in need in ways that are culturally relevant and potentially transformative. He is an associate professor at the Dreeben School of Education Graduate Studies Program at the University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio, Texas, where he teaches qualitative and action research methods and design. His PhD is from the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, in the United Kingdom.

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