Alexis Delaney

Alexis DelaneyAlexis is a dedicated wife to her husband, Quinton, and a loving mother to 3 children, Mikaylah, Arian, and Selah. Born and raised in Northern Virginia, she takes pride in serving the very community she grew up in. After years of trials in her personl life, struggling with challenging family dynamics, mental health, and even marital separation, she found peace and hope in anchoring herself in the word of God. She hit the ground running when she gave her life back to Christ in 2018 and has been seeking Him and ministering to others ever since. Sharing the love of God and that same hope and peace that saved her, with those around her, specifically women, has been her passion and calling from God. Her life goal is to encourage women in Christ and help them to find their own calling and purpose for the kingdom of God, despite their past and their circumstances. Read More Read Less

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Publisher: Arrow Press, LLC
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08 Sep 2022
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