Alexandra FranzenALEXANDRA FRANZEN is a writer, consultant, and entrepreneur based in Portland, Oregon. Her writing has been featured in places like Time, Forbes, Newsweek, The Huffington Post, and Lifehacker, and she's been mentioned in places like You're The Boss! he New York Times Small Business Blog, The Atlantic, and Inc. She writes about creativity, productivity, communication, goal-setting, and how to deal with adversity in your life and career--negative reviews, projects that don't pan out, all kinds of painful moments that can rattle your self-esteem--and how to keep marching forward, no matter what. Alexandra's latest book, YOU'RE GOING TO SURVIVE, is a collection of true stories from people who've endured soul-crushing moments in their careers--failure, rejection, disappointment, public humiliation--and how they got through it, and how you will too. You can find all of Alexandra's current projects at: Read More Read Less