Alec Solomita

Alec SolomitaAlec Solomita has worked as an illustrator, editor, critic, fiction writer, and poet. He graduated summa cum laude from Amherst College in 1989 and went on to pursue a Ph.D. at Princeton (he didn't catch it). For several years, Solomita worked as a feelance critic, his reviews and essays appearing in The New Republic, The Boston Globe, The New Criterion, The Wall Street Journal, and elsewhere. His fiction has appeared in, among other publications, The Adirondack Review, The Mississippi Review, Southwest Review and Ireland's Southword Journal. He's published poetry in 3Elements Literary Review, Literary Orphans, Turk's Head Review, MadHatLit, and many other venues. He's been shortlisted by the Bridport Prize and Southword Journal and named a finalist by the Noctua Review. He studied poetry under the acute eyes of Katia Kapovich, John Canaday, and Frannie Lindsay. He worked as editor and illustrator at the Harvard Gazette for over a decade until he left the job to care for his ailing wife, Joan Chase, author of the recently re-released, much-celebrated novel During The Reign of the Queen of Persia (NYRB Classics). Do Not Forsake Me-a gentle, fierce, lyrical telling of his wife's, courageous struggle with dementia and Parkinson's disease-is Solomita's first chapbook. Read More Read Less

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