Alberto Catellani

Alberto CatellaniAlberto Catellani was born on the 9 of March from the country that brought forth the greatest of inventions: the Road.We are talking of Italy, and he was born on a dark and stormy night at 3 in the morning.From a bright and early age, he wanted to wrte and once he found his grandfather's old typing machine, write he did. What he wrote back then is best left forgotten to the annals of time.Still, he keeps writing on.Known on the Internet as Shadenight123, and outside of it as someone with fifteen years plus of experience as a Dungeon Master capable of actually finishing the campaigns he starts, he has enjoyed a Classical Schooling, moved on to the beer-filled lands of Germany, and is currently attempting a Master level degree with, hopefully, a Ph.D afterwards.And in the meantime, he keeps on writing. Writing brings happiness, to himself and to those who enjoy his books and that, more than anything, is what truly makes him willing to write more and more.If you work at something you enjoy doing, after all, it will be as if you haven't been working at all. Read More Read Less

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