Alan Ross HugenotPlease join Dr. Hugenot's Facebook Community: https: // Hugenot began the study of mediumship more than a dozen years ago strictly as a scientist, intending to establish scientifically that this phenomenon was vald, and that communication with deceased surviving consciousness was indeed possible.Before giving his first reading he trained as a medium for 7 years within the Spiritualist tradition. This included completing the 4 year course with the Morris Pratt Institute, outside Milwaukie, Wisconsin, and also traveling to Lily Dale outside Buffalo, N.Y. to take week long seminars.Finally. he made three separate trips to England attending a total of five weeks of courses at Arthur Findlay College, of psychic science, outside Stansted, Essex, UK. So that today he is a member of the Licentiate Ministers & Certified Mediums Society of the NSAC.Currently, he regularly "demonstrates" Evidential Mediumship from the platform at Spiritualist services, and in circles (seances).Please watch the four videos: On The Nature of Consciousness, The Science of the Afterlife, Beyond our Sight, and Finding Spirit. Read More Read Less
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