Alan R Templeton

Alan R TempletonDr. Alan Templeton is the Charles Rebstock Emeritus Professor of Biology and Statistical Genomics at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. In addition, he is a Visiting Researcher at the Rappaport Institute in Haifa, and a Visiting Profesor at the Institute of Evolution and the Department of Evolutionary and Environmental Biology at the University of Haifa, Israel. He has been the President of the Society for the Study of Evolution, the Fulbright-Israel Distinguished Chair in the Natural Sciences and Engineering, and an editor or associate editor of several major scientific journals.
He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a recipient of the David Murdock-Dole Award for outstanding contributions in human genetic studies, a recipient of the Burroughs-Wellcome Fund Innovation Award in Functional Genomics, and a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He has repeatedly been listed as an author of one of the top 1% most highly cited papers in the Life Sciences worldwide. He applies genomics and statistical population genetics to a variety of basic and applied problems on the genetics of complex diseases, evolutionary biology, human evolution, bioinformatics, and conservation biology.
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Population Genetics and Microevolutionary Theory
Publisher: Wiley-Liss
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01 Nov 2006
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Population Genetics and Microevolutionary Theory26 % NR
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Population Genetics and Microevolutionary Theory3 % NR
Publisher: Wiley
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06 Feb 2006
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