Alan J ParsonageAlan Parsonage BDS (Liverpool), 1984 DGDPRCS (London), 1997 PGCert (TLCP) (Edge Hill), 2014 MSc (UCLAN) 2017.The MSc is in research methodology and the PG Cert is in clinical teaching. The DGDP is an additional dental qualification that brings fellowhip of the Royal College of Surgeons. It should be noted that I have no qualifications in geology, theology or physics, (though a passionate interest in all three). I am a just-retired NHS dentist in the Northwest of England. I love science and pretty much all things scientific.I am keen on sports especially football, tennis and golf. I still play the last two. I will take on all-comers of similar age: ) I am opinionated, loud, enjoy a laugh and like a pint with my mates. I am not boring or pious and am definitely not everyone's cup of tea. I have an edge, enjoy needling people and will point out hypocrisy very quickly to whoever is exhibiting it.I believe the Bible is the word of God. I believe that Jesus Christ was a 100% man and 100 % God.I believe the only way to Heaven is through Jesus Christ though I believe not everyone who achieves this will know the Christian story: 'they know not My Word but they know Me'.Creation and EvolutionAs a teenager, I always had faith and believed in creation and the Christian story. At Newark Magnus Grammar School, as an impressionable kid, I was taught evolutionary theory and due to the authority, plausibility, enthusiasm and general 'likeability' of the teachers I changed my stance. It did not cause me to lose my faith, but I started to believe in my own version of what would now be called theistic evolution. I rationalised that 'and from the dust God made man' was a very nice and concise summary of evolution. I just thought God was very patient and followed His due processes.However, once I heard the counter arguments to evolution a few years later, I was truly shocked how evolution was taught as science fact when it was, to my mind anyway, just a disproved hypothesis.They can fool me once.I love science but this mainstream teaching of evolution as fact has left me suspicious in the extreme of the drivers of any science that contradicts the Bible. If it passes the ABCD (anything but Christ's deity) test then I am suspicious that ultimately, dark forces are behind it. This deception has even put science in general in the dock as I become suspicious of high profile science that makes it into the ever gullible mainstream media and this has influenced my stance on issues like climate change.In my twenties, I hovered between young earth creationism, day is a thousand years creationism, a God outside of time creationism and Gap theory for 30 or so years. For the last 10 years I have moved to Gap Theory and any doubts I had about it were dispelled by Kat Kerr's confirmatory revelations and the extra information they have added. I am convinced that the answer is a two phase creation and the Long Life-Long Gap-Genesis Six-Days Model (Young Cenozoic creationism) answers all of the questions and the Bible undeniably confirms this. Genesis no longer supports young Earth creationism and never did.Alan Parsonage Read More Read Less