Alain MartinDr. Martin Alain received the Master's degree in electrical engineering from the Bordeaux Graduate School of Engineering (ENSEIRB-MATMECA), Bordeaux, France in 2012 and the PhD degree in signal processing and telecommunications from University of Renes 1, Rennes, France in 2016. As a PhD student working in Technicolor and INRIA in Rennes, France, he explored novel image and video compression algorithms. Since September 2016, he is a postdoctoral researcher in the V-SENSE project at the School of Computer Science and Statistics in Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. His research interests lie at the intersection of signal and image processing, computer vision, and computer graphics. His current topic involves light field imaging, with a focus on denoising, super-resolution, compression, scene reconstruction, and rendering. Martin is a reviewer for the Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing conference, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo, IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Elsevier Signal Processing: Image Communication, IEEE Transaction on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, and IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. He is co-organizer of the special session on Recent Advances in Immersive Imaging Technology held at EUSIPCO 2018 in Rome, ICIP 2019 in Taipei, ICME 2020 in London, and MMSP 2020 in Tampere. He co-organized the tutorial "Immersive Imaging Technologies: from Capture to Display" at ICME 2020 and ACM Multimedia 2020. Read More Read Less