Al Lyman

Al LymanA true Renaissance Man, Al Lyman has lived a rich life, relentlessly failing forward as a parent, partner, musician, athlete, coach, therapist, author, artist, carpenter, business owner, and dreamer. At 19, he embarked on a career as a percussionist ollowing music school. In addition to parenting, practicing, traveling, and performing, he simultaneously amassed a wide variety of athletic achievements, most notably a 2:39:37 Boston Marathon personal best, and qualifying three times for the Ironman Triathlon World Championships in Hawaii. Overcoming obstacles and learning hard lessons along the way, each step of his journey was always centered around his ultimate goal of becoming truly healthy and aging well so that he could not only extend his lifespan, but more importantly, his healthspan. The dream was to forever be able to do what he enjoys with those who matter the most, right up until his last day. He's always been passionate about sharing all that he's learned during his life with others. Read More Read Less

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Age Well and Feel Great21 % NR
Publisher: Al Lyman
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13 Apr 2023
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Food Science and Nutrition in 2 Vols11 %
Publisher: Bio-Green
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