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AesopAesop, a slave and storyteller in ancient Greece, is credited with writing the famed collection of tales known as Aesop's Fables. These stories have been transmitted via several sources, and they are still being repeated and reinterpreted in a variet of verbal, literary, and artistic genres. The tales were originally part of an oral tradition, but they weren't collected until many decades after Aesop's passing. Aesop is credited with a number of other tales, quips, and proverbs that either predate him or come from sources other than Greek culture. The stories were preserved and passed down via Latin and Greek manuscripts, and subsequently they were also translated into other European languages. The stories originally addressed social, political, and religious issues and were written for adult audiences. However, they eventually gained popularity for serving as moral principles, and beginning in the Renaissance, they were frequently utilized to teach youngsters. Visual arts, like as sculpture and painting, as well as their translation into theatrical performances and songs, helped to further the moral character of the tales. Read More Read Less
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