Adrienne M EastonAfter years of teaching children and pastoring, Adrienne completed aMaster of Creative Writing in 2020. She is a member of both the Gold CoastWriters Association and the Gracewriters Community. She edits for VerveLead, which focuses on mentoring for ell-being in a Christian leadershipcontext.Adrienne's first novel, Discovering Jooles, grew from her memories ofgrowing up in the mid-north of South Australia in the 60s and 70s. She alsowrites poetry and short stories, and has several junior fiction works inprogress.Adrienne and her husband, Don, live on the Gold Coast, Australia, where they are Senior Ministers Emeritus of C3 Church Robina, which theyplanted in 1992 and retired from in 2022.She enjoys creative pursuits which not only fill her tank, but also keepthe demons of discouragement at bay. She constantly reminds herself thatsuccess is simply doing what God asks of us-no more, no less. Read More Read Less
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