Adrian Holmes

Adrian HolmesAdrian Holmes is a professional counsellor who has worked in practice for a number of years. In addition to therapeutic work with individuals and families, he also runs professional development training for practitioners in the human services sector nd this is where the inspiration for this book has come from. Adrian has a Masters degrees in counselling and believes that the most effective catalyst to change is through conversations. This has led Adrian to his role as the Managing Director of a child and family counselling service in Brisbane called SKATTLE (Supporting Kids & Teens Through Life-changing Experiences). Although this is their first book, Adrian and Jane have been busy sharing these ideas for many years through blogs and journals, in addition to the face to face training and supervision with individual practitioners and teams. When not counselling, Adrian also loves running along the water near his Brisbane bayside home, especially with his two small children in the running pram. Read More Read Less

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