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Adjeoda Tekpor

Adjeoda TekporAdjeoda Tekpor was born in Togo (West Africa) on April 22, 2000. He moved to the United States of America in 2002, with his parents, when he was eighteen months old. He firstly attended Stedwick Elementary School from 2004 to 2005, where he completedpre-K. Then he transferred to Watkins Mill Elementary School where he attended kindergarten from 2005 to 2006. Afterward, he transferred to Captain James Elementary School (Daly ES) because of his family's relocation to a new neighborhood. Adjeoda completed first, second, and third grades from 2006 to 2009 at Daly. While in third grade, Adjeoda passed the GT Test, resulting in his transfer to Fox Chapel Elementary School. Adjeoda completed fourth and fifth grade on the GT program at Fox Chapel from 2009 to 2011. Along his path, Adjeoda earned several academic achievement awards from each school he attended and from multiple organizations. This includes the African American Festival of Academic Excellence and S.T.A.R Scholarship Foundation. Adjeoda just completed 7th grade at Neelsville Middle School, where he received certificates for straight A's for each marking period and one for perfect attendance. He has written The Chronicles of Stranger and several unpublished works as a result of his exceptional passion for reading and writing. Read More Read Less

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