Adele T Macula

Adele T MaculaDr. Adele T. Macula is an educational professional focused on creating highly effective schools through a commitment to excellence. She spent her professional career serving in New Jersey's second largest school district as an elementary teacher, Disrict Supervisor for Programs that Maximize Potential, Special Assistant for the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, and Associate Superintendent-Curriculum and Instruction for grades K-12. Additionally, Dr. Macula was an Adjunct Professor at Fairleigh Dickinson University and Seton Hall University. Presently, as part of the NJ Principals and Supervisors Association/Foundation for Educational Administration, she is the Director of Curriculum and Instruction for NJ EXCEL (Expedited Certification for Educational Leadership) and also serves as a faculty member. Dr. Macula is also a consultant, providing professional learning opportunities for administrators and instructional staff members and has presented numerous workshops on Common Core State Standards, PARCC, formative assessment, teacher evaluation and effective feedback, and promoting data-informed instruction. Dr. Macula has received several awards, including the Brian C. Doherty Community Service Award, the Dr. Ernest L. Boyer 2009 Outstanding Educator Award, the "Service Above Self" Community Service Award, the Women's History Month "Award for Contributions to Multicultural Education," and New Jersey City University's "Inaugural Distinguished Education Alumni Award." She continues to present at local, state, national, and international conferences Read More Read Less

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28 Jul 2015
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