Adam SorkinAdam J. Sorkin, described by Asymptote Journal as a "star translator," has published more than sixty-five books of contemporary Romanian literature in English. His recent books include The Hunchbacks' Bus by Nora Iuga which was translated in collabortion with Manole; A Deafening Silence by Magda Cârneci, translated with Mădălina Bănucu and the poet (Shearsman Books, 2017); The Barbarians' Return by Mircea Dinescu, translated with Lidia Vianu (Bloodaxe Books, 2018); and in 2020, Cousin Shakespeare: A Tragedy in Five Acts by Marin Sorescu, translation with Lidia Vianu (Editura Hoffman, Caracal, Romania), and three poetry collections: A Spider's History of Love by Mircea Cărtărescu, translated with multiple co-translators (New Meridian Arts), Lavinia and Her Daughters by Ioana Ieronim, translated with the author (Červená Barva Press), and The God's Orbit by Aura Christi, translated with Petru Iamandi (Mica Press). In 2021, Quarantine Songs by Carmen Firan and Adrian Sângeorzan, translated with the authors, appeared from New Meridian Arts, and Night with a Pocketful of Stones by Traian T. Coșovei, mostly translated with Andreea Iulia Scridon, from Broken Sleep Books. Sorkin's translation with Lidia Vianu of Marin Sorescu's last book of poems, The Bridge, won The Poetry Society (UK) Popescu Prize for European Poetry Translation in 2005. Read More Read Less