Adam Blocker

Adam BlockerAdam Blocker, while serving the public through various means, has been writing most of his adult life. As a young man, he worked for an emergency response team and had the opportunity to respond to Hurricane Mitch in 1998, clearing mud, building shelers, and passing out clothes to isolated communities. He later joined the US Army as a jumping paralegal, which means he helped prosecute criminal cases and jumped out of airplanes on occasion. Later, after going to school at night and transferring to UNC-Chapel Hill, he graduated with a BA in classical civilizations and political science. After coming back into the Army as an officer, he supported our efforts, while deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, to make the world a safer place. He later attended the National Defense University and wrote his master's thesis on water deficiencies in Iraq and how securing the basic necessities of life are vital to good governance and security. Today, along with his beautiful wife Meg, he enjoys life every day the sun is up and continues to work towards making the world a better place for all mankind by writing every chance he gets. Stay tuned for his next story! Read More Read Less

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