Adaeze Ifezulike Mbe

Adaeze Ifezulike MbeDr Adaeze Ifezulike MBE is a medical doctor, a wife, a mother of 3 children, and an author of 3 books. She has volunteered at her local children's group for over a decade and is passionate about teaching children and inspiring them as she believes evry child can be great. She lives in the United Kingdom.Her 4th book 'Myra the grumpy puppy and wise old Dimple' is a storybook and gratitude journal for children and is due for release on 27th August 2022.As a health expert, she has won many awards and was recently awarded an MBE in the 2022 New Year Queen's Honour list for her work and passion for health inequality. She is a recipient of the Sir Lewis Ritchie Excellence in General Practice award and a United Kingdom NHS Grampian ORANGE award winner.A Finalist in the prestigious UK Sexual Health Awards by Brooks & Family Planning Association, she is also a Weight Management consultant and a Participant in the BBC 'Truth about Fat' program.She is sought after globally as a skilled Speaker on health whose style of communication has the audience captivated and provides a truly unique learning experience. She can be reached via Linkedin Read More Read Less

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Myra The Grumpy Puppy and Wise Old Dimple27 % NR
Publisher: Yougem Books
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27 Aug 2022
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